A simple XML parser with an efficient, purely functional, event-based interface as well as a DOM interface
*attribute-name-parser* variable
Called to compute interned attribute name from a buffer that will be reused
Initial value: #<Function PARSE-ATTRIBUTE-NAME>
*attribute-value-parser* variable
Called to compute an element of an attribute list from a buffer that will be reused
Initial value: #<Function PARSE-ATTRIBUTE-VALUE>
*auto-create-namespace-packages* variable
If t, new packages will be created for namespaces, if needed, named by the prefix
Initial value: T
*auto-export-symbols* variable
If t, export newly interned symbols form their packages
Initial value: T
*ignore-namespaces* variable
When t, namespaces are ignored like in the old version of S-XML
Initial value: NIL
*local-namespace* variable
The local (global default) XML namespace
Initial value: #<S-XML::XML-NAMESPACE - local 10D4E317>
*namespaces* variable
Ordered list of (prefix . XML-namespace) bindings currently in effect - special variable
Initial value: ((xml . #<S-XML::XML-NAMESPACE xml - http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace 10D14CCB>) ( . #<S-XML::XML-NAMESPACE - local 10D4E317>))
*require-existing-symbols* variable
If t, each XML identifier must exist as symbol already
Initial value: NIL
(extend-namespaces attributes namespaces) function
Given possible 'xmlns[:prefix]' attributes, extend the namespaces bindings
(find-namespace uri) function
Find a registered XML namespace identified by uri
(first-xml-element-child xml-element) function
Get the first child of an xml-element
(get-entities xml-parser-state) generic-function
Get the entities hashtable of an XML parser state
(setf (get-entities xml-parser-state) value) generic-function
Set the entities hashtable of an XML parser state
(get-finish-element-hook xml-parser-state) generic-function
Get the finish element hook of an XML parser state
(setf (get-finish-element-hook xml-parser-state) value) generic-function
Set the finish element hook of an XML parser state
(get-new-element-hook xml-parser-state) generic-function
Get the new element hook of an XML parser state
(setf (get-new-element-hook xml-parser-state) value) generic-function
Set the new element hook of an XML parser state
(get-package xml-namespace) generic-function
The Common Lisp package where this namespace's symbols are interned
(get-prefix xml-namespace) generic-function
The preferred prefix assigned to this namespace
(get-seed xml-parser-state) generic-function
Get the initial user seed of an XML parser state
(setf (get-seed xml-parser-state) value) generic-function
Set the initial user seed of an XML parser state
(get-text-hook xml-parser-state) generic-function
Get the text hook of an XML parser state
(setf (get-text-hook xml-parser-state) value) generic-function
Set the text hook of an XML parser state
(get-uri xml-namespace) generic-function
The URI used to identify this namespace
(make-xml-element &key name attributes children) function
Make and return a new xml-element struct
(new-xml-element name &rest children) function
Make a new xml-element with name and children
(parse-attribute-name string) function
Default parser for the attribute name
(parse-attribute-value name string) function
Default parser for the attribute value
(parse-xml stream &key (output-type :lxml)) function
Parse a character stream as XML and generate a DOM of output-type, defaulting to :lxml
(parse-xml-dom stream output-type) generic-function
Parse a character stream as XML and generate a DOM of output-type
(parse-xml-file filename &key (output-type :lxml)) function
Parse a character file as XML and generate a DOM of output-type, defaulting to :lxml
(parse-xml-string string &key (output-type :lxml)) function
Parse a string as XML and generate a DOM of output-type, defaulting to :lxml
(print-identifier identifier stream &optional as-attribute) function
Print identifier on stream using namespace conventions
(print-string-xml string stream &key (start 0) end) function
Write the characters of string to stream using basic XML conventions
(print-xml dom &key (stream t) pretty (input-type :lxml) (header)) function
Generate XML output on a character stream (t by default) from a DOM of input-type (:lxml by default), optionally pretty printing (off by default), or adding a header (none by default)
(print-xml-dom dom input-type stream pretty level) generic-function
Generate XML output on a character stream from a DOM of input-type, optionally pretty printing using level
(print-xml-string dom &key pretty (input-type :lxml)) function
Generate XML output to a string from a DOM of input-type (:lxml by default), optionally pretty printing (off by default)
(register-namespace uri prefix package) function
Register a new or redefine an existing XML namespace defined by uri with prefix and package
(resolve-identifier identifier namespaces &optional as-attribute) function
Resolve the string identifier in the list of namespace bindings
(split-identifier identifier) function
Split an identifier 'prefix:name' and return (values prefix name)
(start-parse-xml stream &optional (state (make-instance (quote xml-parser-state)))) function
Parse and return a toplevel XML element from stream, using parser state
(xml-element-attribute xml-element key) function
Return the string value of the attribute with name the keyword :key of xml-element if any, return null if not found
(setf (xml-element-attribute xml-element key) value) function
Set the string value of the attribute with name the keyword :key of xml-element, creating a new attribute if necessary or overwriting an existing one, returning the value
(xml-element-attributes object) function
Return the alist of attribute names and values dotted pairs from an xml-element struct
(xml-element-children object) function
Return the list of children from an xml-element struct
(xml-element-name object) function
Return the name from an xml-element struct
(xml-element-p object) function
Return T when the argument is an xml-element struct
xml-parser-error condition
Thrown by the XML parser to indicate errorneous input
Class precedence list: xml-parser-error error serious-condition condition standard-object t
Class init args: :stream :args :message
(xml-parser-error-args xml-parser-error) generic-function
Get the error arguments from an XML parser error
(xml-parser-error-message xml-parser-error) generic-function
Get the message from an XML parser error
(xml-parser-error-stream xml-parser-error) generic-function
Get the stream from an XML parser error
xml-parser-state class
The XML parser state passed along all code making up the parser
Class precedence list: xml-parser-state standard-object t
Class init args: :text-hook :finish-element-hook :new-element-hook :seed :entities
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